Our Industry

The Australian Steel Industry - our future depends on it

Steel is the backbone of Australia’s construction, infrastructure and manufacturing sectors. It’s shaped the image of this great nation in the form of bridges, motorways, stadiums - where we play, where we work and where we live.

Over 100,000 Australians are employed in steel

With the current economic climate, it is important now more than ever before, to support your local steel industry. It’s helped our economy when times have been tough by creating jobs and according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics the industry employs 110,000 Australians.

When you support the Australian steel industry and local steel production by purchasing Australian steel you know where your product comes from, and you know local resources are used in its production. With two steel producers, and over 300 steel distribution outlets throughout the country and numerous fabrication, manufacturing and engineering companies, the Australian steel industry generates $29 billion in annual revenue and is an essential part of the Australian economy.

The Australian steel industry is a vital and sustainable source of innovation, employment and capability in our cities and regional communications. It is now more important than ever to stand behind Australian industries. Across the private and public sector, cities and regional communities, we ask you to continue to support Australian steel. In doing so, you are supporting Australian jobs, communities and safeguarding our future. We are a resilient country and united, we will get through these challenging times.The Australian structural fabrication industry is characterised by a very large number of fabricators with a total output capacity of approximately 1.6 million tonnes per annum, including some product used in repetition manufacturing, including lintels, truck body and trailer fabrication.

The integrated Australian steel chain typically holds more than two million tonnes of inventory, made available through distributors located at over 300 sites across the country.

Australia is recognised as a world leader in the use of high-tensile materials and coating technology.

Approximately 5.3 million tonnes of steel are produced in Australia annually.
Australian Bureau of Statistics  2017-18.

Download Capabilities of the Australian steel industry to supply major projects in Australia, version 3.0, updated by Australian Steel Institute, June 2024.