Bondor Australia

Bondor Australia

Bondor Australia


Bondor® is Australia’s leader in complete thermal building solutions and lightweight architectural panels. More than just the leading manufacturer of insulated panels, Bondor® has unrivalled experience in design assistance and construction.


As Australia’s only manufacturer, distributor and installer of

EPS-FR cored panel, Factory Mutual Approved PIR cored panel and Factory Mutual

Approved Mineral Fibre cored panel, Bondor® is in a unique

position to be able to offer our customers impartial advice on the right

insulated panel solution to meet their needs.


Founded in the 1950s, Bondor® offers the most

comprehensive range of insulated panel products and systems available. As the

developer of the original patented Slip Joint which makes the system work,

Bondor® is constantly working on solutions for industrial and

commercial building customers across Australia.




Metal Building Products

Operating In

New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Bondor Australia

Contact us

Level1/121 Ingram Road Acacia Ridge Queensland
Get Directions
Phone number
1300 300 099