Awards Conditions of Entry

ASI Steel Excellence Awards - Conditions of Entry

  • Projects need to have been substantially structurally completed by the closing date of entry and not greater than two years previously.
  • Projects need to have been fabricated in Australia from predominantly Australian made steel where such steel is produced in Australia.
  • Entries close at midnight Friday 30 May 2025.
  • The same project may be entered in multiple categories for only one entry fee. Ensure that you use the same project name and email address for each entry and you will only be charged for the first submission.
  • ASI administrators will determine the eligibility of entries and category placement
  • ASI reserves the right to remove any entry from the competition if deemed to be unsuitable
  • The judge’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. A winner may not necessarily be declared in all categories.  
  • All materials submitted may be reproduced as part of the ASI’s ongoing promotion of Australian steel usage so please ensure correct permissions have been obtained for images.
  • All costs associated with your entry’s documentation, presentations or videos are the responsibility of the nominee.