ASI releases traceability tech note TN017

ASI releases 'traceability' tech note TN017

Sustainability is driving the necessity for verifiable steel credentials for the full life cycle of steel products. With this in mind, the ASI has released a new ‘traceability’ tech note outlining duty of care obligations on steel stakeholders to ensure “alignment in expectations” along the entire supply chain and that procurers and ultimately the owner gets compliant fit-for-purpose steelwork in the finished structure.

The Implementing Traceability to AS/NZS 5131 tech note TN017 explores: 

  • requirements governing product compliance (to Australian Standards and the construction specification)
  • product identification (usually defined by Australian Standards)
  • linkage between compliance and product identification.

The tech note is relevant to all in the supply chain; in particular fabricators, detailers, and engineers.