The ASI has expanded its focus on promoting jobs in steel. ASI training and development manager Anne Lobascher last week interviewed staff at ASI fabricator member Icon Metal about their roles and what they enjoy most about their career . The videos will appear on the ASI careers page.
As part of the ASI university awards program, ASI Victoria manager Sulfianda Soeleiman presented Gokul Sridaran with an ASI undergraduate award for excellence in his third year of the Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Steel Structures and Structural Steel Design at Monash University.
University of Wollongong undergrad student Jeremy Tyssen, meanwhile, has received the ASI undergraduate steel design award for his academic achievements from the executive dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences Professor Gursel Alici.
Backing up this strong jobs focus, the ASI jobs board continues to showcase latest job opportunities in the steel industry.
Sulfianda Soeleiman (left) with Gokul Sridaran Jeremy Tyssen (left) with Professor Gursel Alici Icon Metal staff go in front of camera to promote jobs in steel