Steel Distributor

Steel Distributor

Structural steel distributors act as the link between the producer and the fabricator. Distributors obtain steel from steel mills from around Australia and supply it to fabricators for major construction projects like high-rise buildings, stadiums, warehouses, bridges and shopping centres.

Steel distributors understand the industry from a holistic perspective. This has vast benefits whether it leads to running your business or working in different areas across the steel supply chain, from marketing and finance, through to management or HR.

What does a Steel Distributor do?

Obtains steel from mills around Australia

Transports steel products from the manufacturer to the end-user or construction site

Holds stock that fabricators need supplied on a just-in-time basis

Provides in-depth customer service and sales support

Undertakes activities related to warehousing, logistics and materials handling

Ensures accurate stock control and inventory management

What qualifications do I need?

There are no specific education entry requirements although Year 10 or equivalent is preferred. Training can be started while still at school. After school, an apprenticeship may be completed. 

Examples of TAFE courses:

  • Certificate II, III or IV in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage) 
  • Diploma of Logistics Management

What skills do I need?

  • Teamwork and communication 
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Organisational skills
  • Enjoy working with your hands 
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Enthusiasm, punctuality and precision

Average Salary

A typical entry level position starts from $70,000 per year and with more experience and expertise can increase to $80,000 + per year*.

*Salary or wage variations may depend on region and state, industry sector or the amount of overtime worked.

Why opt for a career in steel?

The steel industry has a profound impact on our daily lives. From the cars we drive, and the houses we live in, to the roads and bridges we travel across every day, the steel industry shapes our world. With a career in steel, students can play a part in this vital industry. Access our resources below to engage your students with the steel industry.