Small Projects

Small Projects <$10million

Use of steel in design and construction projects for sustainable impact - new build or refurbishment

  • Project has to be substantially completed within the last 2 years from closing date of entries (10 November 2023).
  • Any company from any sector in the construction & infrastructure industry can apply, but the Award is assigned to the project (not the submitting company), so the entire project team is recognised.
  • Project must include a significant steel related sustainability solution.
  • Steel must have been fabricated or processed in Australia and sourced from predominantly Australian made steel (where such steel is produced in Australia) to qualify.
  • Entries must be submitted by Friday 10 November 2023.
  • Entry fee is $450 per project.

Judging Criteria - Small Projects

Awarding leadership in driving sustainable impact in the use of steel in built assets to improve environmental, social and economic outcomes.

1. Positive environmental impact (25 points): How does the project design demonstrate leadership to achieve positive environmental impact or outcomes? Include metrics as evidence.

Design for circularity, or circularity principles applied in construction. The implementation of the hierarchy of 4 R's (reduce, reuse, remanufacture, recycle) will be assessed including but not limited to; 

  • Reductions in steel tonnage (i.e., higher grade steel, modular systems) compared to a base case.
  • Reuse and remanufacture of steel elements from a previously built structure or retaining steel in place for refurbishments.
  • Optimising the recycling of steel scrap during fabrication/ processing and/or any other recycling practices during construction.
  • Evidence of design strategies to reduce embodied carbon (carbon emissions associated with the lifecycle of the asset) for the steel component. Use of offsets need to be explained and only minimal use of offsets are accepted.
  • Digital material optimisation and digital design processes (i.e., project specific scripting), or new techniques plastic analysis, non-linear behaviour. 

Steel material selection sustainability credentials (e.g., EPDs, certified to SSA or any GBCA approved initiative).

Low emissions coatings used on steel products.

2. Positive social and economic impact (25 points): How does the project design demonstrate leadership to achieve positive social or economic impact or outcomes? Include metrics as evidence

  • Design for accessibility, liveability and/or health and well-being for end users and/or workers (e.g., light, ventilation, air quality)
  • Innovative or leading initiatives regarding the health and safety of workers
  • Proof of ethical supply chain for materials, particularly for steel (e.g., modern slavery statements)
  • Inclusive and equitable workforce and/or training initiatives (e.g., local, indigenous and/or underprivileged workers employed or trained on the project)
  • Processes to ensure any VOC emissions from coatings on steel products are negligible once installed/erected.

3. Robust governance systems (25 points): How has the project demonstrated leadership in applying governance systems or processes, particularly regarding traceability and quality assurance throughout the project? Provide evidence.

  • Recognition of relevant certification schemes that demonstrate governance for material traceability as well as quality or general quality assurance throughout project.

4. Collaboration (20 points): How has the project demonstrated strong collaboration and stakeholder engagement across the supply chain and project stages (design and planning to construction) to enhance sustainable outcomes?

5. Does the project hold any accreditations to sustainable building rating systems including any Green Star rating, ISC rating or Living Building Challenge (5 points)? Provide evidence.

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