Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee

ASI Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee

The steel industry, which spans steel production, distribution, manufacturing, fabrication and engineering design, remains a male dominated sector of the economy.  There has been some encouraging progress made towards addressing this imbalance, particularly in professional and middle management roles.  In the main however, the proportion of female participation is quite low relative to the composition of the overall working age population with suitable ability.  In addition to this trend, there tends to be limited career opportunities for older workers in the steel industry.  

The consequence of this situation is that the steel industry is only accessing part of the available staff talent pool, which impacts negatively on long term competitiveness, worker availability, and sustainability.  There is also a large body of academic and applied research evidence that clearly demonstrates significantly higher creativity, innovation and productivity being directed attributable to diverse and inclusive workplaces

Building a workplace that mirrors the diverse communities we live in is important.  Creating a safe and supportive workplace can ensure that everyone can confidently bring their skills, values, backgrounds, and experiences to work.  

The role of the ASI Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee is to promote understanding, acceptance, and celebration of diversity while fostering an environment where all individuals, regardless of gender, age, nationality, or ability, feel valued and empowered to contribute their fullest.

Committee Objectives

The ASI Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee consists of a diverse group of members representing various industry subsectors, all sharing a keen interest in fostering workforce diversity and inclusion. Each committee member brings unique insights and experiences to the table, collectively contributing to the identification of broadly applicable approaches and strategies.

Some of the high-level objectives of the Committee are to:

  • Identify success stories that can be documented, shared, and promoted more widely through the industry, as a means of celebrating tangible progress.
  • Identify common strategies and associated resources that have proven effective in encouraging increased participation and retention of diverse individuals in non-traditional roles.
  • Recommend opportunities for ASI to partner with individual members or other organisations, to promote these strategies.


"Diversity" refers to the recognition and appreciation of the differences among individuals and groups within a community or organisation. 

These differences can encompass various aspects, including but not limited to:

  1. Demographic Diversity: This includes characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and physical abilities.
  2. Cultural Diversity: This relates to the variety of cultural backgrounds, traditions, beliefs, and values represented within the group.
  3. Thought and Experience Diversity: It acknowledges the wide range of perspectives, experiences, and knowledge that members bring to the group.
  4. Diversity of Abilities: This covers physical and cognitive abilities, ensuring that people with disabilities are included and accommodated.
  5. Diversity of Ideas and Innovation: Encouraging a broad range of perspectives and problem-solving approaches to foster innovation and creativity.
  6. Diversity of Backgrounds and Education: Recognizing the differences in educational backgrounds, expertise, and professional experiences.
  7. Diversity of Thought and Communication Styles: Embracing various ways of thinking, communicating, and processing information.

 The Diversity and Inclusivity group aims to promote the understanding, acceptance, and celebration of these differences, while also working to eliminate biases, stereotypes, and discrimination.

The group is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable environment where all individuals, regardless of their diverse characteristics and backgrounds, feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to the fullest extent.

Charter Members

  • Homeira Aryanpad (Bondor Metecno)
  • Mark Cain (ASI)
  • Steve Facer (Chess Industries)
  • Bethan Farmer (Icon Metal)
  • Heidi Hutchins (Hutchins Bros)
  • Maria Mavrikos (Structural Challenge)
  • Christine Nicolls (ASI)
  • Samantha Swain (Chair) (Protective Fencing)
  • David Varcoe (Secretary) (ASI)
  • Kamini Wijekulasuriya (BlueScope)

For further information, please contact David Varcoe at davidv@steel.org.au