Grants and Funding

Grants and Funding

Access grants and funding Australia wide or in your State. We have put together a list of Australian and state based grants and funding to help support your business.

Government grants

Grant Finder - Grants and other funding programs are available for businesses from the Australian, state and territory governments, and in some cases from local councils. You can search through a wide variety of grants in many categories, including developing your business, innovation and education.

GrantConnect - provides centralised publication of forecast and current Australian Government grant opportunities and grants awarded.

Export Market Development Grants - Australian Government financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters. Administered by Austrade, the scheme supports a wide range of industry sectors and products, including inbound tourism and the export of intellectual property and know-how outside Australia.

Local Jobs Program - brings together expertise, resources and access to funding at the local level to support job seekers and their communities in each region.  The program has a particular focus on reskilling, upskilling and employment pathways and is part of supporting Australia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

New South Wales

Service NSW - Get government help with your business.

NSW Regional Growth Fund - Over $2 billion for projects across regional NSW.

Australian Capitol Territory

Innovation Connect grant program - designed to help Canberra-based businesses develop innovative products and services. Innovation Connect is now delivered in a partnership between the ACT Government and Canberra Innovation Network.


Business Queensland - The Queensland, Australian and local governments offer funding programs, often in the form of grants, and business support services to help new and established businesses grow and succeed


Business Victoria - Get the guidance, services and skills you need to successfully start, run and transform your business.

South Australia

GRANTassist - Many grants and assistance relevant to your business are listed in the SA state government's search tool, GRANTassist.

SA Business Information Hub - Support for business start-ups and existing small and family businesses


Business Tasmania - Whether you are in the planning stage, starting up or already established, Business Tasmania online is designed to help you quickly and easily find the information you need.

Department of State Growth - supporting business and industry to grow

Northern Territory

Department of Business and industry - Territory businesses have access to enterprise improvement grants and assistance, subject to qualifying criteria.

Western Australia

Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation - Industry development - We support local industry development through funding and awards.