Training and Resources

Training and Resources

Based on increased demand we are committed to providing relevant learning material and courses aimed at people entering the profession or those seeking to improve their skills and knowledge.

We have put together a video promoting the benefits and opportunities of exploring a career in the fabrication industry.

And read this brochure focusing on careers in fabrication in NSW and the ACT.

In response to feedback from members, the ASI is facilitating an industry-led training and certification program designed to develop much-needed skills and expertise in various aspects of steel manufacturing, assembly and installation.

A selection of the training initiatives we are working on include:

Bolt Installer Training

The proper installation of bolts, in particular high-strength tensioned structural bolts, is a surprising and concerning omission from the range of skills taught to riggers and steelwork erectors as part of accredited courses. Whilst guidance documentation on bolt installation is available, a number of stakeholders have expressed the need for a recognised qualification in this area.

ASI is currently developing a training course for bolting supervisors as a first step to providing industry competency in this area. We are also engaged with TAFE’s and RTO’s to explore options regarding training of riggers as part of their qualification.

Please contact Peter Key at for further information and, in particular, if you are able to provide help with development or review of course material.

Detailers Training

The Australian Construction Modellers Association have approached ASI to help develop a steel detailers training course, based around and extending the popular ASI book Australian Steel Detailers Handbook 

We are developing the course to be a ‘blended learning model’, with a combination of online delivery and employer-sponsored in-house training.

Please contact Peter Key at for further information and, in particular, if you are able to provide help with development or review of course material.

Rollformer Training

As an essential manufacturing process used to transform sheet steel into profiled shapes, rollforming is an important segment within the Australian steel industry. ASI is working with our member rollformers to develop training modules for a nationally recognised Cert II qualification in steel rollforming.

Please contact David Varcoe at for further information.

Steel Shed Assembly Training

Please contact Neil Creek at for further information.

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