What are the Benefits and Requirements of Charter Membership?

What are the benefits and requirements of Charter Membership?

The ASI Environmental Sustainability Charter (ESC) membership is open to companies with structural steelwork fabrication or processing facilities in Australia.

These companies commit to conduct their businesses along sustainable lines, demonstrate environmental responsibility and share their knowledge of sustainability with others.

Participation in the ESC results not only in improvements to companies’ environmental footprint, but improves their bottom line through initiatives such as energy efficiency, waste reduction and recycling.

Examples of initiatives undertaken by Charter members in 2018 (PDF)

Charter member companies’ commitment to continuous environmental improvement is audited once a year by an ASI nominated auditor. The annual audit is compulsory for the company to remain on the list of Charter members. 

During the sustainability audit an ASI ESC company must demonstrate it is working on several of the following criteria:

  • Has an environmental policy that commits to reduction in environmental footprint by managing waste, energy and fuel use
  • Is working on an environmental project that embraces the environmental hierarchy of reduce, reuse and recycle
  • Is operating an Environmental Management System (EMS) documenting progress
  • Builds environmental awareness across the company and shares this knowledge with suppliers and their community on environmental issues.

It is not a prerequisite of the scheme for Charter signatories to be ASI members.

There is a biannual Environmental Sustainability Charter Fabricator Award. The winner of the 2017 award was GFC Industries with high commendations going to Civmec Construction & Engineering and Widgee Engineering.

Click here to see a video of ESC winner GFC Industries.

What do the ESC levels of performance mean?

Certified/compliant with ISO 14001, industry leader, all Charter Commitments met, environmental management and awareness evident across all levels of business.
Industry best practice, closely following an EMS in accordance with the Charter, most Charter commitments met, strong environmental awareness and culture.
Demonstrated evidence of sound environmental management throughout the organisation, working on continual improvement.
Demonstrated good environmental practice and progress under the ESC, committed to environmental improvement.